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Boat Cruise to the Base of Murchison Falls National Park

Boat Cruise to the Base of Murchison Falls National Park.

Murchison Falls National Park is Uganda’s oldest and largest conservation area covering 3840 square kilometers, it was gazette in 1962 it is a home to over 451 bird species and 76 different mammals including lions, elephants hippos, hyenas, Jackson hartebeests, warthogs, leopards, oribi, and various antelopes. It’s surrounded by a number of physical features that together with game reserve make it a popular destination.

The park is bisected by the striking river Nile the largest in Africa with splendid water falls called karuma falls and Murchison falls also known as kabalega falls ,the water fall is found on the course of the great Nile right on the peak of Murchison ,the water forces its way through a small slit with in the rock .river Nile divides the Murchison falls national park for close to 115km distance while making its way from lake Victoria to the Mediterranean sea in the far north ,a journey that makes it the longest river in the whole world.

The Nile stretch in the park presents an impressive opportunity for a recreational boat cruise. There are two boat cruises on the Nile in Murchison Falls National Park, the boat cruise upstream and the boat downstream to the Victoria Nile. The para jetty is the main starting point for these cruising encounters, they begin at 9am and 2pm local time lasting for 2 to 3 hours depending on how fast the boat moves this time  includes a full hour at the bottom of the falls .getting a boat cruise to the bottom of the is an unforgettable experience and activity that guarantees sight of wild life you will see animals taking water at the river bank like Nilecrocodiles ,water bucks, warthogs, and it’s much more better during the dry season. It has spot the best view of the wonderful water falls one of the most explosive in the whole world.

One interesting thing about this boat cruise is that it takes you to an area where hemming ton earnest and his wife visited for photography and their plane crushed it’s also said that another plane that came to rescue them also crushed .this story is told by most of the guides who take visitors on boat cruise to the bottom of Murchison falls. If one would like to see what happens behind the falls and at the top, there is an option of a hike to the top of the falls there for one should have informed then guides to take them by vehicle back through the park. Besides the boat cruise, one can engage in different activities that take place within the park for example game drives, nature walks, birding among others.

Each passenger is given a life jacket for emergency, the activity is affordable it takes 30 dollars per person without refreshments these are provided to them at a fair price. The park can be reached by a number of routes by road the main entry point to the country is Entebbe international airport found about 26km from Kampala the capital city. It takes a 5 hours drive to get to Murchison Falls National Park.

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