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Gishwati Mukura National Park is Rwanda’s newest conservation area, it was derived from 2 forest reserves the Gishwati and Mukura, the larger forest is Gishwati and the smaller one is Mukura, these two combine cover a total area space of approximately 34 Square Kilometers the forest straddle along the water catmint areas of Congo and the Nile Basin. It is comprised of an angelic bio diverse ecosystem most of which are great Albertine endemics. The park was formalized in 2015 as a way of protecting the animal species that call this home.

Gishwati Mukura National Park

Gishwati Mukura conservation area is a thick undergrowth and large forest presenting a mixed variety of tree species, bamboo and open grassy land, example trees include the carapa grand folia symphonia to mention a few. The caraapa grand fornia is the most common tree species of the forest.  These act as home to a number of animal species that call this home more so the 20 Primates kinds in the national park including chimpanzee, Golden Monkeys, L’hoest Monkeys, chimpanzees, monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, blue monkeys to mention a few, other mammals present in the national park are African civets, side stripped Jackal, Rwenzori squirrels, some of these are so shy and rare to see on a visits to the national park.

The forest nearly depleted as most of its conservation parts were used for refuges as human settlements as a result of War in Rwanda mostly during the 1994 Genocide, Major park Attractions of the park include its park beauty the wildlife and vegetation the key highlight of the trails and water falls, Activities in the park began in the 2019 following the opening of the destination area, the composition of the park will give you precious time to view the expanse biodiversity of the region, There are  a number of bird species, animals, plants, amphibians, and reptile. The park can be visited all day long, activities include the guided nature walk hike, this is an insightful nature walk hike inside the beautiful trails of the park, its done by a group of 8 persons on maximum led through by a trained guide, along the trail, there is a chance to see large mammals on a lucky day small insects, some of these include the birds, chameleons, the well, distributed game  trails lead to the angelic waterfalls in the hidden corners of this place full of life.

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