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A great first stop after arriving in Uganda, get your wildlife warmup at Lake Mburo National Park with big opportunities for bird and mammal enthusiasts.

Lake Mburo National Park

Just a short jaunt from Kampala/Entebbe, Lake Mburo National Park is where natural wonder and relaxation meet. The lakeside environment encourages visitors to relax and take in an afternoon cocktail or coffee while keeping an eye out for the 315 species of bird in the park.

Game drives offer different animal viewing opportunities than most parks in Uganda, including zebras, giraffes, and Nile crocodiles in addition to the more commonly seen mammals like hippos, lions, hyenas, leopards, and various monkeys like the bush baby.

Night game drives, nature walks, and boat tours on Lake Mburo are also favorite activities in Mburo National Park. For a cultural experience, the Bahima community offers visitors a peek into their life and traditions.

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