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Rwenzori Mountains National Park is a world-class hiking destination in Uganda, drawing adventurers from across the globe for its variety of routes – both technical and non-technical.

Rwenzori Mountains National ParkIn western Uganda along the Uganda-Congo border are the Rwenzori mountains and Rwenzori Mountains National Park.

The park is a marquee hiking destination for mountain lovers, as the equatorial snow peaks include the third highest point in Africa. At a lower elevations, park visitors are wowed by the massive tree-heathers and colorful mosses that drape the slopes – socalled “everlasting flowers” that create an enchanting mountain scene.

Animal lovers will not be disappointed at the park, as it hosts 70 mammals and over 200 bird species, as well as 1 Albertine Rift endemics, as well as some of the world’s rarest vegetation. Bakonzo villages offer nature walks, homestead visits home cultural performances and accommodation, including home-cooked local cuisine.

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