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A remote park on the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo, Semuliki National Park draws visitors for its relaxing hot springs, spectacular birdlife, and its forest rich in primates.

Semuliki National Park

Visitors who make the trip out to the Semuliki National Park will not be disappointed. The park occupies the floor of the Semliki Valley on the western side of the Rwenzori mountains and is one of Africa’s most ancient and bio-diverse forests – one of the few to survive the last ice age.

Semuliki National Park is unique in that it provides a taste of Central Africa in the heart of Uganda. The Semliki River is a miniature version of the Congo River, and the forest is home to numerous Central African wildlife species, such as chimpanzees, kobs, elephants, leopards, and bongos.

Hot springs excursions are another popular activity at the park, with several casual hikes offering visitors the opportunity to soak in the warm waters bubbling up from the depths.

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